A fundamental aspect of Best Place to Code is the assessment used to determine if the companies meet the accreditation criteria.
A company’s individual collaborators are the ones that answer the survey, and it is they who determine if their company meets the criteria to be accredited as Best Place to Code. This not only gives the evaluation greater credibility but is also very useful for companies as a diagnosis that allows them to validate their strengths and areas of opportunity.
How reliable and transparent is it?
We have paid great attention to defining and implementing the evaluation mechanism to make it as transparent/reliable/practical as possible. Although there are already other programs or recognitions for "best companies to work for", Best Place to Code is distinguished in this area by 5 key aspects:
- Companies that want to be accredited must first be evaluated by their own employees, who are the ones answering the survey.
- In order to answer the survey, it is necessary to have an email from the corresponding company.
- The answers are confidential, the company does not have access to them.
- Only a specialized SG contributor has access to the answers and validates that the people who answered yes are technical personnel and not just managers or HR staff.
- Not all companies that participate in the evaluation pass it. If this is your case, don't worry, we DO NOT publish non-passing results. But it is a fact that not every company manages to be a Best Place to Code, this process is not about paying for a membership and that's it.
Who participates?
- It is a bottom-up evaluation. That is, it is the company's employees who assign their rating and allow the technical staff of an organization to evaluate it and decide if it really is a place where they recommend other colleagues to work.
- It is designed for technology organizations. Not only software or IT services companies can be Best Place to Code but also companies of other sectors such as banks, retail, or entertainment. However, the survey for Best Place to Code only takes into account staff who collaborate in areas of technology.
What if my company does poorly on the survey? Who is going to find out?
We only communicate to the general public when a company passes the evaluation and becomes a member of the program. We do not make public when a company does not pass, we simply give them the survey results (without personal data) so that they can use it as a diagnosis and improve, with the possibility of being evaluated again later.
About the survey
Below is the current version of the evaluation survey. This survey is answered by the IT and technical personnel who collaborate in the organization.
Software Guru is responsible for applying this survey safely and reliably and ensuring the confidentiality of the responses.
Wages and economic benefits
- The organization pays competitive salaries.
- Additional economic benefits beyond your salary.
- Compensation review process.
- Possibilities for sharing equity and/or profits of the company (stock options, phantom stocks or other mechanisms).
- The process to receive my wages is convenient and timely.
Career development
- How good are your professional growth possibilities in this company?
- Your work provides a good intellectual challenge and learning opportunities.
- You have capable peers who share their knowledge and help your career growth.
- How much can you network with outside peers and companies?
- How much support you get for formal training and continuing education.
Culture and safe space
- How do you rate the work environment in this organization?
- Your managers respect you and are interested in your well being.
- All collaborators are respected and given the same opportunities regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, or background.
- Conflicts between collaborators or teams are attended and resolved properly.
- The company is socially responsible and contributes to improve the ecosystem beyond itself.
- I feel empowered to take decisions at work and confident that the company will back me up.
- I feel comfortable to ask for help.
- I feel like my ideas and proposals are considered.
Gender diversity & empowerment
- Women and non binary gender people are treated with respect.
- Policies are implemented to promote gender equity within the organization.
- The company supports community or industry efforts to improve the participation of women in technology.
- What is the percentage of women or non binary people in technical roles in this organization?
- What is the percentage of women or non binary people in executive roles in this organization?
- How satisfied are you with the company's policy of working from home vs onsite.
- How convenient is the office location for you?
- How much does the company help you to carry out a healthy lifestyle.
- Tools and infrastructure that the company provides you to work (hardware, software, furniture, connectivity, etc).
- How safe do you feel your job is with this company.
To learn more about prices and how to get your assessment, click: